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Suggested Reading Materials

Firmly steeped in the tradition of Freudian Psychoanalysis Eric Berne brings us Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy. This semenal work forms the basis of TA as a framework in which clients can be supported in understanding themselve, their behaviours and ultimately can make the changes in their lives that they wish to make. 

This is Eric Berne's hugely successful follow up to Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy. In this hugely insightful work Berne explores the everyday games that are played between people. Whilst times have changed and the names given to some of these games might not have aged as well as others, they are nevertheless remarkably insightful.

This is Berne's developed understanding of childhood scripts. At its zenith it seeks to explain that free will is only really possible when an individual knows and understands the sources of his/her childhood script. Knowing and understanding script formation and how it can affect an individual is at the heart of Transactional Analysis, (TA). Understanding your script really does allow you to answer the question, What do you say after you say hello?

Harris was a contempory and friend of Berne. In his work 'I'm ok You're Ok', He offers the reader a comprehensive understanding of Life positions. Building on the work of Berne he brings clarity and understanding to the teachings of Berne on the four different life positions.

Another contemporary and friend of Berne, Steiner develops Script systems and explores some of societies most common scripts. This work brings the idea of psychological scripts into the mainstream

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